Viticultura e Enologia


The Higher Professional Technical Course in Viticulture and Oenology comprises four semesters and is structured in accordance with the rules established by the legislation in force and with the guidelines issued by the Coordinating Council of Higher Polytechnic Institutes. This course is organized in order to enable Senior Technicians to perform functions in the areas of Viticulture, Oenology and in areas related to the wine sector. To this end, there are a set of curricular units for basic training, as well as a strong technical component and training in a work context based on the various areas of Viticulture and Oenology. With this plan, it is intended, therefore, to respond to the challenges of modernization, innovation and professional training that currently arise within the scope of the emerging dynamics of the wine sector.

Aditional Information

The on-the-job training component aims at applying the acquired knowledge to the practical activities of the respective professional profile.

The on-the-job training component (internship) lasts for one semester and is ensured through protocols that ESAV has established with entities or companies in the region of Viseu and in specific cases in neighboring regions.

Sorting Factors

Anyone who meets the conditions defined in article 40º-E of Decree-Law no.63/2016, of September 13th:

a) Holders of a secondary education course or legally equivalent qualification;
b) Those who have been approved in the specially appropriate tests designed to assess the ability to attend higher education for those over 23 years old, for the course in question, under the terms of Decree-Law no. 64/2006, of 21 of March, amended by Decree-Laws nº 113/2014, of July 16th, and 63/2016, of September 13th.

Holders of a technological specialization diploma, a professional higher technician diploma or a higher education degree, who wish to re-qualify themselves professionally, may also apply for access to professional higher technical courses.

Further Studies

Students who pass all CTeSP training components will hold a Higher Professional Technician Diploma in Viticulture and Enology, and may apply directly, through a special competition, to the Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Engineering Food from ESAV.

Within the scope of the continuation of studies, a wide range of curricular units carried out at CTeSP will be credited in the previously mentioned degree courses.

Check how you can apply in Applications and Results

Professional Profile

Main activities

  • Analyze projects and technical guidelines with the aim of identifying information and data necessary for the work to guide and carry out;
  • Guide and intervene in the preparation of the land and installation of the vineyard;
  • Guide and intervene in the cultural operations of maintenance and development of the vineyard;
  • Manage and organize accounting information in wine production units;
  • Interpret the wine trade chains and draw up marketing plans;
  • Identify problems in the development of culture and propose solutions;
  • Guide and intervene in the harvest according to the specifications of the vineyard and the intended characteristics of the final product;
  • Guide and intervene in the reception of the harvest product according to the specifications of the intended final product;
  • Guide and intervene in all winemaking, treatment and storage operations, in accordance with food safety and quality standards, identifying any problems throughout the process;
  • Carry out a sensory evaluation of the wines;
  • Carry out physical-chemical analyzes of grapes, musts and wines and interpret the analytical results, in accordance with the applicable legislation;
  • Use plant protection products, in accordance with the legislation in force and within the scope of law 26/203;


Plano de Estudos

Unidade curricular Horas de contacto Créditos
Botany and Plant Physiology 75 6
Physicochemical 45 4
Introduction to Calculus and Statistics applied to Agriculture 40 3
Vinification 55 5
Oenological Microbiology 45 3
Viticulture I 60 5
Soils and Climates 45 4
Stabilization and Conservation of Wines 75 6
Oenological Equipment 45 4
Management and Accounting 45 4
Viticulture II 60 5
Vine Mechanization 45 3
Vineyard Water Management 45 4
Nutrition and Fertilization of the Vine 45 4
2º Ano
Internship in Cellar 10
Characterization of wines and derivatives 70 5
Vineyard protection 40 3
Grape and wine products 45 4
Marketing and commercialization 45 4
Viticultural Parcel 45 4
Quality and Food Safety 55 4
Internship in vineyard 20
Application of plant protection products in the vineyard 50 4
Computer Science Applications 35 2


Áreas de Educação e Formação

Áreas de educação e formação


482 – Informática na Óptica do Utilizador 2
460 – Matemática e Estatística 3
442 – Química 4
421 – Biologia e Bioquímica 9
541 – Indústrias Alimentares 37
621 – Produção Agrícola e Animal 54
443 – Ciências da Terra 3
853 – Serviços de Saúde Pública 4
342 – Marketing e Publicidade 4

Viticultura e Enologia

Área de formação:
621 – Produção Agrícola e Animal

Grau conferido:
Diploma de Técnico Superior Profissional

2 anos letivos / 4 semestres

Departamento de Ecologia e Agricultura Sustentável (DEAS)

Diretor de curso:
Antonio Jordão

Regime letivo:

Nº de ECTS para obtenção do grau:
120 Créditos

Áreas relevantes para o curso:
Biologia e Geologia, Físico-Química e Matemática

Provas de ingresso:
Candidatura local

Código do estabelecimento / curso:
3185 / T034

Sem pré-requisitos.

Vagas: 25


Outras informações:
Atribuição de um diploma de Técnico Superior Profissional




  • VINES & WINES, Consultores de enologia , Lda.
  • Adega Cooperativa de Silgueiros, CRL
  • Chão de S. Francisco – Soc. Vitivinicultura e Turismo Rural Lda
  • Lusovini Distribuição SA
  • Comissão Vitivinícola Regional do Dão -CVR do Dão

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